Contact Us

Contact Information

Leave us a Voicemail or Send a Text: (301) 450-0194
Email: Please use the contact form at the bottom of this page.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2124, Germantown MD 20875-2124
Physical Address: 20516 Boland Farm Rd, Germantown, MD 20876
Socials:    Facebook   •   Instagram   •   Discord

Meeting Information

Pentalpha Lodge holds its Stated Communications at 7:30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month (with some exceptions in summer and holidays). Dinner or refreshments are usually served starting one hour before the meeting.

Visiting Masons should bring their dues card, check-in with an officer, and fill out a visitor's card. As in all Maryland Masonic Lodges, officers will be in tuxedos, masons in dark suits, and non-mason guests and visitors should at least be in business casual clothing. Those not affiliated with the fraternity are invited to join us for dinner before a meeting as well, but please get in contact with us a few days before to let us know you are coming.

In months that have a fifth Thursday, the lodge hosts an open house for members, families, and those interested in possibly joining the lodge. These are usually casual cook-outs in the yard during fair weather, and any manner of indoor meals during inclement weather. For those interested in possibly joining the fraternity, this is a laid-back opportunity to meet some of the members and begin those conversations.

Directions to the Temple

The Pentalpha Masonic Temple is located at 20516 Boland Farm Road, next to the medical center on the corner of Boland Farm Road and Observation Drive. Just East of I-270 at Exit 15 (Maryland 118)

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