From The East September 2022

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Heat, storms, drought, and flooding persist as summer continues. A glance at the calendar, however, reassures us that autumn is just weeks away. The year is very nearly two-thirds over. Though we have been dark-ish for the summer, much good work has still been accomplished. In another week Pentalpha will resume full Masonic activity. I look forward to seeing each of you in Lodge!

In August many important things occurred:

  • Past Master RR was honored to receive the honorary degree, Fellow of the Craft from the Maryland Masonic Academy. Congratulations Past Master!

  • As a result of the considerable success of Pentalpha’s concert fundraiser, “A Night for Ukraine,” the Lodge has been able to acquire much of the supplies needed to complete “Phase Two” of the video surveillance security system that has been an ongoing important project this year. In addition to this valuable and badly needed capital improvement, the concert proceeds also allowed Pentalpha to make a generous contribution to relive humanitarian suffering in Ukraine as a result of the ongoing war there.

  • Incidentally, since putting the word out among the brethren that cameras were going up, all vandalism at the Lodge has, at least so far, ceased. I am grateful for this. To everyone who contributed to this herculean effort, thank you!

  • Senior Warden CS and Junior Warden BV both attended this year’s Grand Lodge Leadership Seminar. This sacrifice of time on their part will help ensure that they are both better prepared to take on greater responsibility in leading our Lodge in the future. Thank you, Brothers, for your willingness to give your time and talents and carefully prepare yourselves for greater future service!

  • Brothers CS, BV, OA, JW, JB and I all attended a regional class on, “Special Topics” to complete this year’s Grand Lodge Summer School of Instruction. It was a wonderful class. Thank you, Brethren!

  • Pentalpha Lodge paid a visit to the Hope Assembly of the Rainbow Girls this month. Past Master AC, Past Master CS, Brother BV, Brother JLM, Brother JW, Brother KG, and I attended the Hope Assembly’s Grand Reception. We were received with an abundance of kindness which was most appreciated. While there we were delighted to observe the initiation of a new Rainbow Girl. We also took the opportunity to present a token of appreciation to the Hope Assembly in the form of a monetary contribution and honored the Assembly’s Worthy Advisor, Miss A.U. for her extraordinary contributions of service to Pentalpha and the greater community. Also honored was, Ms.Toni Nottingham, Mother Advisor to the girls of Hope Assembly. It was a pleasure to be there with so many of our friends from both the Hope Assembly and Pentalpha Chapter # 38 OES!

Though we are into August, there are many members of our Lodge who, for whatever reason, have not paid their dues. Please pay your dues brethren! Thank you for your attention to this important matter. An effort is currently underway to reach out to anyone in arrears. If you are suffering and there is need, please reach out to me or Brother Secretary and let’s talk about it.

In September Pentalpha Lodge in partnership with Montgomery York Rite will host a Table Lodge on 09/22/22. I hope to see each of you there!

Finally, all summer we have been preparing for certification to secure succession and continuity in the East. We have also been preparing to confer the Master Mason Degree this fall. No doubt there will be updates in future issues of the Trestleboard.

Thank you all for being the men and Masons that you are and for the much good you do in the world.

WM Hank

Earl “Hank” Griffin III
Worshipful Master
Pentalpha Lodge No. 194

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