From The East April 2023
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Brethren -
Welcome to April! This month has many religious observances and I hope you have a Blessed which-ever-you-celebrate Day/Week/Month! One of the greatest things about Freemasonry is our ability to unite men of every faith under one “Supreme Architect of the Universe” without the conflicts we find in the outside world.
Around the fifth century, the Anglo-Saxons referred to April as Oster-monath or Eostre-monath, a reference to the goddess Eostre, whose feast was celebrated during the month. The Venerable Bede, a monk from the Northumbrian monastery of Saint Peter, believed this gave root to the word Easter—which is most often observed during the month of April.
Earth Day takes place every year on April 22. One of the most widely observed international events, Earth Day brings together many large environmental organizations commemorating the day in a variety of ways—but always with the core mission of educating others on the protection of the environment. First commemorated in 1970 and now recognized in more than 190 countries.
This April, I expect an EA catechism, a lecture by our friend Justin Sayer, PM of Silver Spring 215, and a FC degree. I hear rumblings of a petition or two on their way as well! We have planned a work party this month to address some small tasks around the building that could use some attention and maybe follow that up with some burgers and hot dogs left from our fifth Thursday of March open house! I hope you will all chip in and help out in all these upcoming undertakings.
For the summer, I’d like to go dark for the second meeting of June, all of July, and the first meeting of August, resuming labor on August 24th. If we have degree work in progress, I hope this won’t interrupt it too much and we will be assembling for recreational and fraternal events through the summer, just not stated meetings.
Also, I have decided we will push our 130th celebration to be in the fall - date to be determined - but probably October to avoid the major holidays and come after the planned York Rite Festive Board.
And finally, please keep our Master of Ceremonies, JLM, and his father in your prayers. His father was in a bad bicycle accident and has been hospitalized for over three weeks already with brain injuries and a fractured skull. Our good Brother JLM has relocated to Canada for a few weeks to be near to the hospital where his father is being treated. There is a GoFundMe account set up to assist the family and if you can assist, please visit xxxxx
Brian Viehland
Worshipful Master
Pentalpha Lodge No. 194