From The East February 2024

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February is always a busy month where the Lodge gets things started – and there are many things getting started for our Lodge! While the days are still short, and the month is short too, we are filling them with so many great lodge activities to build our community.

First, our successful Masonic Supper Club kicks off 2/2 at 6:30 pm at Clarksburg Tavern. Bring your spouse or a date, but leave the kids at home with a sitter. This is a casual hang-out open to all masons in Montgomery County and those you may want to invite who might be interested in masonry. There is no added cost, just pay your own tab and enjoy the company of good masons.

Late in the month, when it is still cold out, we will have our 2nd annual chili cook off. Fully family friendly, this event looks to raise a few dollars for the lodge and a few dollars as prize money for the winning entrant. Last year, John Austin Hon PM took home the prize – let’s see if he can keep it, or if he has worthy challengers. See the flyer in this trestle board for details.

And February is so nice this year, we get an extra day! On Leap Day, 2/29, we’ll do an open house for family and friends and again invite potential masons to join us. The lodge will provide dinner and beverages and ask you to chip in financially to cover expenses. We did this in November and had such a fantastic turn out and so much fun that we have to try again.

To add to that, serving as WM of Pentalpha Lodge 194 and as the President of the Boaz Charter of the Ruffians Motorcycle Club simultaneously has allowed a great opportunity for us. The Ruffians, as a 501c3, are able to sponsor a raffle fundraiser and have decided to hold one to support our Lodge! There are 250 tickets available at $100 each and the winner will be awarded $5,000! In addition, the first $2,000 of proceeds will be donated to charity by the Lodge and the Club together. If we can sell all 250 tickets before the drawing in December, the lodge has the potential to raise almost $18,000 this year, which can go towards savings, general fund, building maintenance, and hopefully replacement of our officer aprons and jewels, rods and staffs, and other ritual regalia that is showing wear and tear. Find me at any of our events all year long to get tickets!

Lastly, as we begin this new year, I want to personally welcome you back to lodge. If you haven’t been to lodge in a while, please come check out what we have going on. We have a full roster of officers, most of whom are relatively new masons. They are all working hard to progress through the chairs and learn the ritual and it’s exciting to see their zeal for the fraternity. It would be great to have more of you in the sidelines to assist them, encourage them, and support them. So come to your Lodge, we’ll be here to welcome you when you do!

Brian Viehland, PM
Worshipful Master
Pentalpha Lodge No. 194

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