From The East November 2023
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Welcome to the holiday season my brothers! As we approach Thanksgiving, we should all have an attitude of gratefulness for the blessings received from the Supreme Architect of the Universe. I am grateful for the year the lodge has had as I reflect on the accomplishments we have made together. I am grateful for the growth in membership this year - just in October we did three Fellowcraft degrees and one Entered Apprentice degree! I am grateful for the T&L Committee that is improving our temple – from modifications to the alter, new lights in the kitchen, new signage outside, and even a whole new shed building being constructed! I am grateful for our outreach to the community – we have had multiple blood drives and this month we will be distributing meals to approximately 46 needy families in and around our community. I am grateful for YOUR commitment to the craft - in the masonic community, we are being noticed as a leader in our ritual and looked at as a very active lodge.
We will only have one meeting in November (masonic education night) and December (elections) on the 2nd Thursdays due to the holidays. But we still have a lot happening including an open house and a holiday party! Be sure to check out the calendar of events in this trestle board, or subscribe to our google calendar, or link into our discord channel to be notified of the many events and opportunities for social events, community service, and fraternal communications.
By now, each of you should have received a copy of our proposed bylaw changes in the mail. These are the bylaws that were assembled and edited (as shown in the mailing) by our bylaws committee and subsequently approved by the Grand Lodge committee on bylaws. We will hold a vote at our November 9th meeting to approve or reject the entirety of the proposed changes. Please plan to attend that meeting if you wish to vote and show your support for the improvements being presented. At that same meeting, we will be hearing a presentation from Past Master Johnson, so it will be well worth the time to come and further your masonic education.
Again, I am grateful for our lodge and our fraternity and the myriad of opportunities Freemasonry presents to us all. Thank you all for being a part of that!
Brian Viehland
Worshipful Master
Pentalpha Lodge No. 194