From The East December 2023

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As we wrap up 2023, it is natural to think about the year gone by and make plans for the new year. Many will set goals and make resolutions that we will be better, do more, eat less, and earn more as if the flip of the calendar is what had held them back. We, as masons, know that the excuse of a new year is not required. We have each taken the steps needed to transform ourselves from the profane to the path of enlightenment by knocking on the door to freemasonry. We have pushed each other on a daily basis to be better men, to do better without regard to the date on the calendar.

This is not to say we cannot use this time to participate in those rituals and re-commit to our growth and goals and to reflect on our accomplishments. In fact, we will be doing that at our next meeting - the last of 2023 - where I would like all my 2023 officers present to share their hard work and recognize them for their dedication this past year,

This month will have us vote on officers for the new year. We have many good men stepping up to fill roles as officers, serve the lodge and their brothers, and improve themselves in masonry. I am encouraged by their eagerness to learn the ritual as well as willingness to do the work of running the lodge. Our JW has recently exemplified the EA degree for his certification and is already working on the a Master Mason degree work. I have brothers stepping up to learn the charges, the middle chamber lecture, and other ritual tasks prior to the beginning of the year. As a lodge, we are shifting from learning the roles we are in as we go to a model of learning the work we need for next year. We have opportunities for a few chairs still if you are interested in joining the line just let me know.

We are filling up spots in all our committees for 2024, and I’d like you to think about how you can use your talents and interests to support your lodge. We need you and can use you in every aspect of running our organization. From building concerns to financial planning to membership outreach there are committees in place waiting for your help. Many hands make light work and all positions are up for new appointments.

Finally, please plan on attending the holiday party on Thursday the 21st and bring the family! Our family events have been quite successful and we are seeing more participation from spouses and kids, so let’s keep that going! Dinner is being prepared by the Griffin family, so you know it’s going to be good! Bring a wrapped gift of around $20 value if you want to participate in the White elephant gift exchange. We’ll celebrate the season on what would have been a meeting night, so it should fit your schedule and free you up for holiday trips which will no doubt start Friday after work. I look forward to seeing you there!

Brian Viehland
Worshipful Master
Pentalpha Lodge No. 194

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